Parent Activities
- Write a family media plan.
- Take The Three C’s quiz to become more mindful about technology use.
- Do a quality check on the apps your child uses now using the following tips.
Tips for Picking Quality Digital Media
- Pick apps or TV shows that give you or an older sibling an opportunity to engage with your child while they play. Studies show that children need someone to watch and engage in media with them to learn from it.
- Screen your media choices first to make sure the content is appropriate for your child.
- Consider the values and behaviors displayed by the characters to see if they fit the characteristics you want your child to imitate.
- Think about the following themes when deciding if something is right for your child – educational value, positive messages, violence, scariness, language, commercialism, and behaviors.
- When it comes to deciding if is something is high quality, consider the 3 C’s – content, context, and your child.
- Don’t be fooled by an app’s popularity or marketing tactics. Just because an app says it’s educational, doesn’t mean it is.
- Use a trusted source for app recommendations and programming. Here are a few we think are worth checking out: