Smartphones. Apps. Tablets. iPads. Televisions. Netflix. YouTube. It seems like everywhere we turn a screen is waiting for us. It’s no different for our children. As a parent you play an important role in helping your child learn how to use digital media – think of yourself as a digital curator, uniquely positioned to filter the never-ending parade of new apps, games, and electronic devices trying to get your kid’s attention.
On the one hand technology is great and can be a very useful tool for learning new skills to support reading, recognize numbers, or trace letters. On the other hand, technology is changing so quickly that we don’t yet know exactly how technology affects our youngest children. Ask five people how much ‘screen time’ is the right amount and you’ll get five different answers. What’s a parent to do?
We think with a little bit of help you can get the best of out of screen time and avoid some of the pitfalls that may come with it. Let’s get started – check out the resources below.
- Healthy Digital Media Use Habits for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers – tips and guidance about media, reading e-books, developing a Family Media Use plan, and more.
- #DeviceFreeDinner — tips for a balanced digital life.
- Screen Time – to help parents make informed decisions.