It’s kind of difficult to talk about letter knowledge without giving examples of activities to try with your child. Don’t worry, we still have tons of ideas to share about how to play with letters!
Key Shapes
Children first begin to recognize letters by their shapes, so spend time with shape basics. When your child knows the, try pointing out that the letter A looks like a triangle, the letter O looks like a circle, and so on.
Letter Songs
Besides the classic Alphabet Song and BINGO, there are plenty of other songs that will help your child recognize letters and their sounds. They’re great to sing when you have down time, driving in the car, during bath time, etc. Here are some new songs to check out:
Alphabet Boogie by The Kidboomers
Alphabet Phonics Song by Hopscotch
Arty Letters
The best of both worlds is learning and making a mess (or is that just us?). So many different ways to practice letter writing:
Touch and Trace Sensory Writing
Printable Alphabet Playdough Mats
Play with Letters
Toys that feature the alphabet are helpful for surrounding your child with letters. Try having letter magnets that your child can reach, blocks with letters and images starting with that letter, and alphabet puzzles. There are also easy ways to play letter games: