Are temper tantrums inevitable? Not necessarily. Toddlers with more developed language skills are better able to manage frustration and less likely to express anger by the time they’re in preschool. Researchers at Penn State University found a connection between children’s early language skills and their ability to manage anger and frustration.
Safe Sleeping for Alaska’s Babies
When the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission instituted new safety standards for cribs in child care, many of Alaska’s centers faced the cost of purchasing new, safer cribs. To the rescue came thread, with both free cribs and training in safe sleeping practices.
Take it outside
As of mid-May, the spring of 2013 has been a big disappointment in terms of weather. But hey, it’s still warmer than it was and we have all that daylight! So bundle up the kids as needed and explore all the activities that spring and summer have to offer in Alaska.
Ketchikan partnership rolls out new tool
It’s your son’s first day at a new child care facility. How do you convey information about him to his new caregivers? A toddler is placed in foster care. Is there an easy, comfortable way for the foster family to learn about the toddler and her background, and share information about her in the future? Read More
Our Voices Count
Talk about a frenetic time. When the House Finance Subcommittee on Education unexpectedly reduced funding for Best Beginnings and Parents as Teachers, people who believe in what we’re doing came out of the woodwork to share their stories. We won’t have a final answer on funding for early learning until the operating budget is approved. Read More
Will you be bold and brave for Alaska’s children?
What happens in the Alaska Legislature matters – really matters – for early childhood. Best Beginnings and our early childhood partners have come together with a priority list for state funding and attention. Tell your legislators you’re with us: early childhood matters!
Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation supports Imagination Library
For the second year running, newborns at the Alaska Native Medical Center can be enrolled in Imagination Library before they and their moms even leave the hospital. That’s thanks to Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation (HANF) renewing their contribution and making this possible. Read More
Strong foundation bolsters partnerships
The best, most durable structures have a solid foundation, and Best Beginnings’ early childhood partnerships stand firmly on “four pillars.” What do seven partnerships in seven different communities have in common, and how is each of them making these pillars real?
Imagination Library books for Alaska Native Medical Center Newborns
The Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation (HANF) is continuing its support of Imagination Library for a second year in a row. With its contribution to Best Beginnings, the foundation funds Imagination Library for Alaska Native Medical Center newborns. HANF seeks to inspire a great start to a healthy life, in part by helping children be ready Read More
New Year’s Resolutions
Who can resist New Year’s resolutions? I certainly can’t. So here are a few of mine: Give a “pat on the back” through a friendly nod or smile when I see parents interacting with their young children in positive ways. Encourage my own grown children (parents themselves) and other young parents I know to keep Read More