Dramatic play is an essential part of early childhood. Watching children play at being a family reveals what they see, hear, and feel in their day to day life. Playing house is one of the most popular themes for young children. Possible props can be dolls, keys, stuffed animals as pets, and other household items. Read More
Celebrating Families |
Activities to Celebrate Families
Try these fun activities in your home Play House: https://playgroupwa.com.au/ideas/playing-house-child/ Dramatic play is an essential part of early childhood. Watching children play at being a family reveals what they see, hear, and feel in their day-to-day life. Playing house is one of the most popular themes for young children. Possible props can be dolls, Read More
Books to Celebrate Families
‘Ohana Means Family by Ilima Loomis (All Ages) This cumulative tale, told in the style of “The House the Jack Built”, takes you through the process of how a family, or ‘ohana, farms taro for poi to prepare for a traditional luau celebration. Find it at the Library The More You Give by Read More
Tips for Celebrating Families
Here are six tips to celebrate families Look through family photos together – make sure to point at and name everyone as you talk about them Help your child draw a picture of your family. Alternatively, you could work on any kind of craft project and give it to a family member. Write a letter/postcard Read More
Celebrating Families
Ever heard the saying that parents are their child’s first teacher? Your family, whether it’s made up of two or twenty members, is the best place for your young child to learn about the world. If you add siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunties, uncles, best friends, foster siblings, and step family, then there are even more Read More