Remember when we declared 2024 a year of curiosity?
Now that we’re starting to see clear signs of spring, it’s time to bring some fresh ideas home. There’s nothing more miraculous then watching Alaska break up transition into a season with new plants and animal migration. This makes it a perfect time to learn about life cycles, measure increasing daylight with a sun dial, and count the number of sunny and rainy days. There’s so much changing in the spring that you might also want to measure your child’s height this month and measure again next month. You might be surprised how your child grows and learns this month!
Add a little bit of color to these Spring days.
This topic is a key component of the following early learning domain and goal from the State of Alaska Early Learning Guidelines:
Approaches to Learning
- Children show curiosity and interest in learning
- Children learn through play and exploration
General Knowledge and Cognition
- Children find multiple solutions to questions, tasks, problems, and challenges
- Children demonstrate knowledge of numbers and counting
- Children demonstrate some knowledge of measurement: size, volume, height, etc.
- Children sort, classify, and organize objects
- Children collect information through observation and manipulation
- Children make predictions and experiment
- Children observe and describe the natural world