If there was an easy way to improve your child’s chances of succeeding in school, would you take it? What if we told you it only takes 15 minutes a day… sounds too good to be true, right? It’s not! The secret: take time to read with your child.

Source: ReadAloud.org
Reading with your child from birth has been repeatedly proven by research to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading.
Every time you read to your son you show him that reading a book can be a warm, happy, and fun experience. Those feelings ignite a lifelong love of learning and reading in him. And we all know that children who love to learn and read will do better in school.
And it’s virtually free. All it takes is a book and your desire to spend a little quality time with your child.
21 Day Challenge
This year we challenge you to make a resolution to read more with your child.
To help you along the way take the 21 Day Challenge. Simply read aloud to your child every day for the next 21 days, and mark off each day as you go. When you’re all done, send your completed sheet back to us by February 5th and we’ll enter you into a drawing for fun, kid-friendly prizes!
They say it only takes 21 days to form a habit. Start one today that will make a lifetime of difference for your child.