Gross motor sounds like a term that would be used by a mechanic, but it’s another part of your child’s developmental journey. Gross motor skills are linked to the coordination of large muscles like arms, legs, and torso. Learning to coordinate body movements is a struggle for young kids. Games and open play that encourage crawling, running, hopping, climbing, and more are the perfect way to get your child moving in coordinated ways.
Why is this important? Gross motor coordination lets your child learn to control their body and use it to discover the world around them. Being physically active can be a challenge in Alaska, but this summer is the perfect time for some BIG play!
This topic is a key component of the following early learning domains and goals (State of Alaska Early Learning Guidelines):
Physical wellbeing, health, and motor development
– Children demonstrate stamina and energy in daily activities
– Children engage in a variety of physical activities
– Children demonstrate strength and coordination of gross motor/fine skills
Approaches to learning
– Children learn through play and exploration