Here are a few talking tales that are all about conversations.
Ask Me by Bernard Waber
(Toddler, Preschool)
During a walk together outside, a father and daughter share a conversation. She says to her father, “Ask me what I like.” When he does, she answers with lists of her favorite things. Her father asks more questions and they enjoy the wonders of the outdoors. Find it at the Library
Tell Me About Your Day Today by Mem Fox
After he’s tucked in at bedtime, a little boy talks to his stuffed animals. He shares with them all the things that he did during the day and asks all about what his stuffies did that day, too. Though the animals don’t use their words to reply, the whole story of the animals and the boy comes together as they remember their fun, exciting day. Find it at the Library
Green as a Bean by Karla Kuskin
What or who would you be if you were something other than yourself? Would you still be you? This book asks all kinds of playful open-ended questions that will let your little one use their imagination to think through all the different possibilities. Find it at the Library
Why by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
(Toddler, Preschool)
Does your child ever ask, “Why?” The young rabbit in this story does. As rabbit and bear walk through their day together doing various tasks, rabbit asks bear “Why?” and bear responds, using simple language, just right for toddlers and preschoolers to understand. Sometimes, when our littles ask questions on repeat, it can be frustrating for us, especially if we don’t know the answer, but sometimes, all we need to do is listen and learn together. Find it at the Library
My Father Knows the Names of Things by Jane Yolen
(Toddler, Preschool)
In a child’s eyes, their parent or caregiver is all-knowing. In this story, a young boy is proud to share all of the things that his father knows the names for and that his father teaches to him. A book like this encourages you to share your own knowledge with your child as well. Find it at the Library
Oliver the Curious Owl by Chad Otis
What sound does an owl make? Hoo, hoo… who? What if an owl asked other questions, such as what, when, where, or why? Oliver is just that kind of owl. When Oliver leaves the safety of his tree to rescue his friend, he discovers strange, new things and animals. He still has lots of questions and explores the world beyond his tree. Can Oliver convince his family to join him in the faraway woods? Find it at the Library