Now is the time to stand up for Alaska children by letting your state legislators know how important early learning is to you.
2024 Public Policy Priorities
To increase advocacy capacities at the local and state levels, Best Beginnings participates on the Alaska Early Childhood Advocacy Group (AECAG) with thread, Association for the Education of Young Children Alaska affiliates, the Alaska Head Start Association, Alaska Infant Learning Professionals Association, Parents as Teachers State Office, and All Alaska Pediatric Partnership. AECAG priorities focus on quality early care and learning, strengthening families, and community engagement and early literacy.
Best Beginnings proudly supports:
- House Bill 89 (HB 89) – Day Care Assistance and Child Care Grant Program. This bill strengthens the Child Care Assistance program for families in Alaska. For more information about the importance of this bill and what it can do to strengthen access and affordability to child care, please visit thread‘s website.
- A series of amendments to the operating budget House Bill 268 (HB 268) that would:
- Provide additional funding for Parents as Teachers (Amendment 32)
- Increase the state match for Alaska Head Start programs by $5 million (Amendment 33)
- Increase funding to Best Beginnings for statewide expansion of Imagination Library (Amendment 35)
- Expand eligibility criteria for the Infant Learning Program and provide funding to expand outreach (Amendments 56 & 57)
- Provide grant funding to support place-based and home-based childcare centers (Amendments 58 & 59)
- Increase support for the child care workforce (Amendments 60 & 61)
- Increase the maximum median income for child care assistance (Amendment 62)
Be an Advocate for Kids
The 33rd session of the Alaska Legislature taught us the power of advocacy for early childhood. While we’re excited about the many public investments made to support young children and their families we know we have a lot more work to do. To ensure all Alaska children continue to receive the resources they need to start school happy, healthy, and ready to succeed, stay informed!
- Sign up to receive email alerts regarding advocacy actions you can take to support Alaska’s young children. We’ll keep you informed and let you know how you can help.
- Contact your legislator. Legislators want and need to hear from the people they represent to know what’s important to their community. To find out who your U.S. Congress and Alaska State Legislature officials are, click here and enter your address (it is not necessary to provide your email address).
- Check back here for updates on Legislative actions that affect Alaska’s young children.
Find Your Legislators
In the News, 2024
OPINION: Alaska’s Priorities Must Change – Mark Lackey, Executive Director, CCS Early Learning
OPINION: Alaska’s Child Care Crisis is Too Costly to Ignore – Charles L. Westmoreland and Blue Shibler (Executive Director, Southeast Association for the Education of Young Children)
Millions Needed for Alaska’s Child Care Sector – Alaska Early Childhood Advocacy Group
Child care bill passes House, heads to Senate
Alaska House passes bill aimed at expanding access to child care
Stagnant funding results in Alaska pre-K school closure, instability for vulnerable children
Alaska’s longest running child development center is a guiding star for sustainable child care
Past Public Policy Priorities