- Look for bilingual books to use during play. Reading them in turn in different languages will help your son expand his vocabulary.
- Embrace multiple languages in your home. To encourage bilingualism more, give attention to both languages.
- One parent can speak primarily English, while the other speaks primarily a different language.
- Speak in one language at home one day, and the next in the other.
- At home speak the opposite language of what your child is exposed to during their day with a caregiver or at child care.
- Don’t be worried if your son mixes the two languages together. Mixing grammar rules or words from both languages in the same sentence is a normal part of bilingual language development.
- Use conversation and meaningful interactions to develop bilingualism. Sitting your daughter in front of a TV or tablet designed to teach her another language will never be as effective as having back-and-forth conversation with another human being speaking a different language.
- Use the language you know best to teach your daughter. Forcing yourself to speak in a language you aren’t comfortable with may inadvertently limit communication between you and your child.