There are lots of things we can do to prevent child abuse. From growing and learning as parents, building our children’s skills, and strengthening our community, here are a few things you can do to help.
Reinforce your child’s body awareness
- Empower children to make decisions about privacy and encourage them to say “no” when they do not want to touch or be touched by others
- Teach children accurate names of private body parts and the difference between touches that are “okay” and “not okay”
- Read books about body awareness and safety (start with basic books for toddlers: Hands are not for Hitting, etc.)
Strengthen your family
- Take care of yourself by making time to re-energize
- Eat at least one meal each day at the table as a family
- Spend time together doing things you enjoy
- Model appropriate ways to express feelings and solve problems
- Make sure your child knows to talk to you about anything that bothers or confuses them
Foster a supportive community
- Learn about child development by asking experts (
- Develop supportive neighborhoods by talking with the families who live near you and attend same schools
- Participate locally in social activities; attend meetings to support your school age child
- Set up a playgroup, playdates, or co-op babysitting opportunities
For more information: Tip Sheets for Parent and Caregivers (in English and Spanish)