In honor of our 15th anniversary, we are sharing 15 Reasons to Give to Best Beginnings. Your support is the key to ensuring that that we can continue to provide for the families and young children of Alaska.
15 Reasons to Give
Because you…
…care about a child’s ability to succeed in school and life.
…know that the first five years of life are critical.
…understand the value of early literacy.
…want to be part of the solution that strengthens families.
…see the impact of early childhood education.
…believe in helping parents be the best they can be for their child.
…have a vision of the future where every Alaskan can read.
…are committed to creating a state where the next generation can grow and thrive.
Because in 2021, Best Beginnings
…provided books to 17,062 children under the age of 5 with our Imagination Library partners.
…served 138 Alaska communities with the help of their affiliates.
…mailed over 95,285 books to homes where they were read and loved.
…created 10 little free libraries and community partnerships to steward them.
…shared early learning tips and activities with 12,970 parents.
…hosted 324 preschoolers at virtual learning events.
…equipped 8,504 families with early learning activity guides to support their child’s development at home.
Because together, we can ensure all Alaska children begin school ready to succeed.
Today we invite you to join us we celebrate 15 years by making an anniversary gift to Best Beginnings. Together, we can make the next 15 years even brighter.