Programs such as Best Beginnings and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library have not only brought the joy of reading books in to children and families lives but have also helped families realize how important it is to read to their child. I wouldn’t be who I am today with out early childhood education. I have become an amazing teacher and parent because of it.
I am a single mom of three. My youngest and only daughter absolutely loves books. I work hard to pay the bills and make sure they are well fed. Sometimes, there isn’t much leftover for anything else. Thank you for helping me build a library for my children.
My experience reading with my child reminds me how important reading a book is in these technology filled days.
My experience reading with my child is Joyful. I love the snuggle time and seeing how happy and excited he gets when I ask him to read together. I never enjoyed reading as a child so I’m excited to see that he does.
My experience reading with my children is enriching for all of us. Their vocabulary and curiosity are expanding, and I get to spend special time with them.
“My son is now one of the best readers in his kindergarten class. He’s reading at a 1st grade level and excelling in all areas. I attribute much of his success to these programs!”