With only 90 days to accomplish its work, the Alaska State Legislature must hit the ground focused and prepared. A coalition of early childhood advocates, including Best Beginnings, has drafted recommendations to help public policy leaders develop a system of early learning that promotes school readiness, strong families, and a strong work force. The 2010 Read More
More than just the right thing to do
Most everybody agrees we should invest more resources in early learning because it’s the right thing to do for children. But, in this day and age, it’s difficult to change social, cultural, and political priorities simply on that principle alone. It’s not just right to make early learning a much higher and important priority in Read More
Happy birthday to us!
September marks the third birthday for Best Beginnings. What a ride it’s been so far! The movement for early childhood is growing – nationally and locally. Here in Alaska, momentum is building, and Best Beginnings is proud to be both a leader and supporter. Social movements don’t happen overnight. At risk of overstatement, what we’re Read More
Activities and Advocacy
Legislators heard from Alaskans across the state through e-mails, phone calls, personal visits, and testimony at committee hearings, advocating for programs, services, and initiatives that support young children and their families. Why does it matter? Because they all contribute to achieving the Best Beginnings vision: All Alaska children begin school ready to succeed. There is Read More
Is your child ready?
In the fall, thousands of young Alaska children will begin kindergarten. What can parents do over the summer to help their children be ready for the new challenges of kindergarten? Will teaching children letters and numbers guarantee their success? You may be surprised at a kindergarten teacher’s five recommendations to parents. All Alaska children begin Read More
The time to speak up is now
With fewer than 30 days left in the first session of the 26th Legislature, we at Best Beginnings, along with our early childhood partners and supporters, are doing all we can to ensure programs, services, and initiatives that support young children and their families get a critical infusion of resources. “Early childhood development programs are Read More
A Promise of Things to Come
What a thrill we had at Best Beginnings recently. Representatives from 22 Alaska communities connected in Anchorage around the shared goal of making their communities better for young children and their families. This is a harbinger of what we hope to build long term: a connected, coordinated, statewide network of engaged early childhood advocates. What Read More
Early Learning gets Positive Attention
If anyone doubted that early learning is rising in the public and political consciousness, consider recent developments: President Obama’s choice for secretary of education; Governor Palin’s proposed budget for FY 2010; and recent grants for early literacy opportunities. Find out how Best Beginnings will capitalize on these opportunities and step up the pace in 2009. Read More
A Sure-fire Investment
The economic turmoil of the day is scary for most of us at the personal and policy levels. Despite the downturn, there is one investment that holds its value. Economists are touting it as one of the best bets available for economic development, and it is far more than just a family matter. Even in Read More
Fall and New Beginnings
I still think of September as the beginning of the year, despite the fact that my children are grown up and I no longer participate in all the rituals around getting ready for the first day of school. It feels a bit like one of those first days of school though, here at Best Beginnings, Read More