These book recommendations are part of our series surrounding National Child Abuse Prevention Month. By teaching children about consent, body awareness, and safety we can better protect them from abuse.
C is for Consent by Eleanor Morrison
(Toddler, Preschool)
My Body Belongs to Me From My Head to My Toes created by proFamilia (Preschool)
Be Careful and Stay Safe by Cheri J. Meiners
(Toddler, Preschool)
I Said No! A Kid-to-Kid Guide to Keeping Private Parts Private by Kimberly King & Zach King
(Preschool, School Age)
This book uses kid-friendly language and illustrations to help caregivers give kids guidance they can understand, practice, and use covering lots of topics, including: what’s appropriate and with whom, how to deal with inappropriate behavior, bribes or threats, and when are where to go for help if they need it. ▸ Get it at the Library
These resources were recommended by Samantha Blanquart, an Early Literacy Outreach Librarian with Ready to Read Resource Center. Visit their website for more info about early literacy or to check out one of their reading kits for young children.