Best Beginnings is looking for a few good men – and women! This June, three of our longest-serving members will complete their third three-year terms and must leave the Best Beginnings board. Along with so many other wonderful board members over the years, they committed time, talent, and treasure to enable Best Beginnings to fulfill its vision and mission of mobilizing resources to ensure all Alaska children begin school ready to succeed.
Now, we are asking friends and colleagues to help us fill those slots. If you are interested in being considered for a seat on the Best Beginnings board, please take a look at the Board Member Job Description, complete the Board Member Interest Form, and email it to . Questions about the board or Best Beginnings can also be emailed to . Applications should be submitted by April 5, 2020.
Interested in hearing what current board members have to say about their service with Best Beginnings?
“Reading is one of life’s greatest pleasures and is an integral tool to navigating the world. As a Best Beginnings Board Member, I am proud to have the opportunity to support early childhood education and literacy. One would be hard pressed to find a more impactful way to help shape the future of Alaska.”
– Jesse Kreger, Board Treasurer
“Providing young children and families with access to high quality early childhood books and stories is at the heart of my service on the Best Beginnings Board. Helping all Alaskans see that the early years are important years in a child’s development sets the path for a bright future for our state.”
– Debi Baldwin, Board Chair
“I serve on the Best Beginnings Board because my kids grew up on Imagination Library and I want to make sure more kids from all over Alaska feel that same anticipation and happiness when their book comes in the mail and they can snuggle with their grownup and read together. I believe families are kids’ first teachers, and kids learn and grow from Day 1 – and even before. Helping Best Beginnings grow too has also helped me further strengthen my commitment to advocacy statewide and my own leadership and organizational skills as I see the important place Best Beginnings has in Alaska’s interconnected map of family advocacy and activities.”
– Selena Hopkins-Kendall, Board Member