Neuroscientist and best-selling author Dr. Lise Eliot will give a free public talk, 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 1, at Wilda Marston Theatre, Z.J. Loussac Public Library, Anchorage. Dr. Eliot’s public talk will focus on themes from her latest book, Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome Gaps and What We Can Do Read More
Imagination Library reaches 100 Alaska communities
Imagination Library has taken root all over Alaska, from small remote villages to large urban cities. One hundred communities are now being served by 29 local Imagination libraries. The most recent additions are Galena and Valdez, where volunteers have completed the groundwork and are now enrolling children. Cooper Landing is expected to come on board Read More
Welcome new board members
Building a strong organization capable of catalyzing support for early childhood takes committed leadership. It’s my pleasure to let you know the following people were recently elected to the Best Beginnings Board of Directors: Gara Bridwell, a professor of early childhood education at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Lorie Morris, chief executive officer at Alaska Read More
Books for The Children’s Hospital at Providence Newborns
The Children’s Hospital at Providence enrolls new babies born at their facility in Imagination Library – and covers the costs for their first year. The program began with a generous gift of $100,000, supporting approximately 300 newborns each month through 2011. Since then, The Children’s Hospital at Providence (TCHAP) has provided $25,000 to support enrollments Read More
Babies on Track premieres huge success
All across Alaska, volunteer hosts rolled out the red carpet to launch the video and distribute free copies of the Babies on Track DVD and companion baby board books. Hospitals, libraries, child care providers, employer groups – even grandpas –scheduled movie premieres during the week of February 25 to March 4 and made plans to Read More
Baby brains and ping-pong
How many times have you heard a baby described as a thirsty sponge or a blank slate? The problem with these analogies is that they downplay the active role parents and other adults have in helping a baby develop into the happiest, healthiest, smartest person she can be. Babies are born with billions of neurons. Read More
Early childhood priorities fare well in state budget
I’m very pleased to report that Alaska’s governor and legislators took great steps toward promoting school readiness by appropriating more funds this year to support young children and their families. Their growing awareness of the importance of these investments is due in large part to the efforts of many individuals, early childhood experts, and organizations Read More
When Kindergarten looms
For parents with children of a certain age, summer means one thing: kindergarten looms. I identify all too well, since our two older grandsons will start kindergarten this fall. There are lots of resources available, but the sheer volume – and, let’s face it, the “academic-speak” in which much of the materials is written – Read More
Best Beginnings makes waves
I confess. I’m going to boast about Best Beginnings. I prefer to think of it as simply relating how the work we’re doing with friends, allies, and partners is attracting notice, nationally and around the world. Most recently, I received an e-mail from Tom, a Londoner who had seen an article in the “Bristol Bay Read More
Look back at 2011
Before plunging into the New Year, I thought I’d take a glance back at 2011. And what I saw prompted a double-take. Wow. Here’s a sampling: Founders Lunch – In early March, Best Beginnings held a Founders & Friends lunch in Anchorage. Our purpose was to thank our longtime supporters, welcome newer friends, and give Read More