There are so many fun activities you can do with wordless books. Try one of these the next time you pick one up to read with your child!
Act Out: Make your face imitate the character’s expression throughout the book. Can you match the emotion?
Children feel emotions. It’s our job to help them notice and name their emotions.
Predict: When you get to the middle, see if you can predict the ending.
Skip a Section: Skip the middle pages in the book or skip the end. Have your child fill in the middle or ending.
Write from One Illustration: Use an illustration to spark your own creative story. Write down the story your child tells you, adding your own words to the wordless book using fun post-it notes.
Use the Book as Inspiration: Use a book to inspire you and your child to create a brand new wordless picture book. All you need are a few crayons and folded paper to make your own wonderful picture book!