Alaska Ready to Read, Ready to Learn Task Force Report
After gathering input from Alaska and national experts in early learning and literacy, the Task Force released its report and recommendations in September 2006. The recommendations fall generally into three areas. The first two focus on children from birth to age six in their environments. The third focuses on long-term sustainability of the investment in Alaska’s young children.
In the Home
- Increase the engagement of parents, grandparents, and extended family in their child’s learning by providing resources and incentives
- Develop and increase access to quality, culturally engaging reading materials
- Increase proven, family centered literacy programs by partnering with other organizations
Out of the Home in Child Care and Early Education Programs
- Distribute Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines in family friendly-formats
- Implement a quality rating system to help parents evaluate child care and early learning programs and to guide program improvement
- Increase the professional development opportunities and qualifications for early childhood educators and provide appropriate compensation
- Develop a statewide system of voluntary and affordable early childhood education with options available for children and families in all communities
Looking Ahead
- Create a commission, council, public-private consortium or other entity to implement Task Force recommendations
- Develop a multi-year work plan for implementing recommendations
- Educate Alaskans about the social imperative of preparing children from birth to age 6 to be ready to read and learn
- Ensure future funding from private, nonprofit, foundation, and government sources